A Feminist in the City

Monday, February 12, 2007

In the spirit of Valentines Day...

To my darling little blog,

I know that we have grown apart, but I am finally ready to take responsibility for my actions and rekindle our lost romance. When things got started between us I was full of energy, but over time this enthusiasm faded and my eye began to wander. I became infatuated with Mohanty, went steady with Narayan and had a dirty little fling with Dworkin and all the while you remained here, abandoned. Sure, I filled you with empty promises. Created titles of posts that were never written (such as, "The Day Sarcasm Died: Why I hated Borat", and "Miss Universe 2006: I'll never forget you Miss Japan!") But all of that has come to an end.

Now I am not saying I will be perfect from now on, far from it. I'll still ignore you sometimes when I get busy and occasionally vent my frustrations at you in the form of unintelligable nonsense posts. But I promise I will delete them immediately.

And hopefully fill you with better posts, more often.

Yours always,

P.S. Yes, of course you're still getting a Valentines Day present! Do you really think this is all I would give you? Check back on February 14th for a token of my affection!


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